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How to Tag a File
How to Tag a Files is described in few easy steps. The word ‘Tagging’ is short for linking a Tag to a File, a Folder or even another Tag.
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Select a file you want to tag and open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button and select the ‘Tag with’ item and within this item the ‘More Tags’ item.
The ‘More Tags’ dialog is opened and here you can the select tag you want to use to tag the file. By pressing the ‘Select’ button the tag is linked to the file and closes the dialog. The ‘Apply’ button does the same but does not close the dialog. This is convenient when another tag needs to be linked as well on the same file.
When the file is tagged, the file icon will get a green tag overlay indicating that the file is tagged. The tags of a file are listed in the ‘Tags pane’.